Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thoughts on Building a Prospective Donor Development Process

by Kevin Strickland, The Not-for-Profit Group for GuideStar.org

In today's tough economic environment, many not-for-profit organizations are struggling to grow donations. Taking a more strategic approach to donor development has never been more important. When our principals meet with those seeking donations, we hear common themes of why many are struggling to find new opportunities.

See whether any of these reasons apply to you:

.No time-Most of those responsible for development are busy, if there is
anyone responsible.
.Not sure whom to target
.Prospecting potential donors is a low return activity
.Prospecting new donors is frustrating

Getting new donors is tough. Making sure you have done everything possible to make it easier is not to say it will be easy. Here are some techniques being used by some of the most successful organizations:

1.Make sure your organization is targeting the right prospective donors.
2.Help people identify the best opportunities to target.
3.Build a plan for consistency and committing to the long haul.
4.Select the right approach to get the first appointment.
5.Prepare effectively for the first and second meeting.
6.Reinforce the process. Prospecting new donors is a team sport. Forget
freelancing. By creating opportunities for your organization to share market intelligence, effective calling techniques, and successful strategies, you build a process that can be managed over time. And you improve their chances for success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so true that it can be very frustrating to try to figure out who to cultivate and how, etc. Without a really solid plan to follow, a development person can get lost.
At my last place of employment, we implemented The Benevon model of fundraising and it gaves us a detailed & structured plan to use. Really cant say enough good about how well it works!