Thursday, October 7, 2010

What Should a New Board Member Receive?

1) Get them immediately involved in ways they can meet people, feel a sense of accomplishment, and see your organization in action.

2) Provide a good board package that is informational without being overwhelming - in hardcopy or electronically. I built upon a recent BoardSource post to suggest the following:

-Short introduction and history of the organization, including why is was started and any significant changes or events through its life.
-Organization Goals or Plans
-Prior year audited financials
-Annual Report
-Minutes from Board and Committee Meetings for the past 6 months to a year
-Staff and Board Organization Charts
-List of funders, major supporters, and program partners - their roles and
current funding commitments
-Policies for Board and Staff
-List of all board members with their terms and contact information -Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation
-Executive Directors Job Description and annual review cycle -Recent promotional brochures

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