Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Recruiting and Vetting Nonprofit Board Members

As we head into the fall, it is time for nominating and governance committees to be ramping up for January board member transition. Bridgespan offers some words of wisdom in:

A key ingredient to increasing a nonprofit organization's impact in the community it serves is having the right people on the team. Critical to this team are an organization's board members.
"Board composition is a key lever," said Jeri Eckhart-Queenan, a partner at the Bridgespan Group, a nonprofit advisor to nonprofits and philanthropy. "Having the right people with the right skills helps theorganization achieve its strategic goals." Therefore, the first question that nonprofits should consider as they start to formulate their board recruiting plans is: What are our key strategic priorities, and what new skills or expertise might we need on our board to help us achieve those priorities? >>Read Full Report 

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